One Year Re-Run: How to Write a Good Story: Stuart Gibbs (Bestselling Author of the Children's Series "Spy School," "Moon Base Alpha," "FunJungle," and more)(Ep. 79)

Stuart Gibbs

This week, we are looking back on our conversation with Stuart Gibbs from episode 35!

We often wonder what it's like to be a fiction author. How do they come up with their original ideas? What is their daily routine like? Does word count even matter? In this episode, we sit down with Stuart Gibbs, bestselling author of five children's series including "Spy School," "Moon Base Alpha," "FunJungle," and more, and discuss these fascinating topics and his advice for aspiring writers.

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Stuart Gibbs is the New York Times bestselling author of the children's series Spy School, Moon Base Alpha, FunJungle, and more! Whenever most people think of their favorite childhood authors, Stuart Gibbs is definitely on the list. His books have been favorites among his audience for years, as they show his creativity, sense of humor, and unique writing style. Throughout his journey, he has learned the answers to many questions that other writers may be wondering. Such as… Does your word count really matter? With all of the books out there, how do you come up with original ideas? What is it honestly like being an author? Mr. Gibbs shares his thoughts with the world, helping a new generation of upcoming authors navigate their own books and novels!


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Why and How to Balance Productivity and the Present: Oliver Burkeman (NYT Bestselling Author of "4,000 Weeks: Time Management for Mortals")(Ep. 78)